For some reason our pile of pyjamas for the boys suddenly dropped to one, yep, just one. That won't do, right? So I'll be sewing a lot of PJ's the next couple of weeks that will last them all summer long. The rascals aren't too fond of long pyjama pants so I make them shorts with two different matching tops, one long sleeved and one short sleeved.
Tot mijn verbazing is de stapel pyjamas hier in huis voor mijn mannen geslonken tot nog maar één. Dat gaat natuurlijk niet werken, dus de komende tijd zal ik weer een stapel maken waarmee ze tot na de zomer door kunnen. Omdat ze allebei niet echt dol zijn op lange pyjama broeken maak ik shorts met bijpassend een shirt met lange en met korte mouwen.
Inpired by the project run and play theme for this week (astronomical prortions) I chose Nosh Organics Gun Metal sweatshirting . That metal grey colour is perfect for an outer space inspired theme and the fabric is nice and warm (yet not too warm to wear as pyjamas).
With my Bobbinhood screenpring kit I added some fun details, the moon at the back of the shirt and some Bowie lyrics on the front.
Geinspireerd door het project run and play thema van deze week (de ruimte) koos ik de Gun Metal Sweatshirting van Nosh Organics. De metaalgrijze kleur is perfect voor een buitenaards geinspireerde pyjama en de stof is lekker warm, maar niet te. Met mijn Bobbinhood set voegde ik details toe, een maan op de achterkant en een stukje Bowie songtekst op de voorzijde.

I used Madeit patterns Ziggy Top and learned by now that they intended Ziggy Marley when they chose the name, but I think Ziggy Stardust is more appropriate here ;)
Ik gebruikte het Ziggy Top patroon van Madeit Patterns. Inmiddels heb ik geleerd dat ze Ziggy Marley in gedachte hadden bij de naamgeving, maar ik denk dat Ziggy Stardust hier meer op zijn plaats is ;)
The fabric I used in this post was given to me by Nosh Organics as part of a co-operation, all opinions are as always honest and my own.
Nosh Organics has their new spring collection online and one fabric in particular just stood out to me, 国内如何免费上facebook (translated as wave, that makes sense). This fabric reminds me of the Tintin drawings by Hergé. It so happens my oldest is addicted to comic books, mainly Donald Duck for now, but he's starting to appreciate Bob & Bobette and Tintin too. So with some fun props we created a Tintin inspired outfit. Red Rackham's treasure to be more precise.
Nosh Organics heeft de nieuwe voorjaarscollectie online en mijn oog viel meteen op de Tyrsky tricot. Dit stofje doet me denken aan de Kuifje tekeningen va Hergé. Toevallig is mijn oudste verslingerd aan stripboekjes, vooral Donald Duck op dit moment, maar hij begint ook al warm te lopen voor Suske en Wiske en Kuifje. Dus maakte ik een "Kuifje"outfit voor hem. De schat van Scharlaken Rackham om precies te zijn.
The jersey is available in different colours, this is the light blue/vanilla and it's just a gorgeous pale blue. I went with my go to tee pattern, the Rowan tee, by Titchy Threads. I kept my tee really basic, because the fabric print stands out enough already. It doesn't need anything else, just some Nosh Organics ribbing.
De tricot is verkrijgbaar in verschillende kleuren, dit is de lichtblauwe variant en het is echt een hele mooie zachte kleur blauw. Ik gebruikte het t-shirt patroon waar ik vaak op terug val. De Rowan tee van Titchy Threads. Ik hield het shirt heel basic want de print is al zo mooi van zichzelf, dat heeft niets extra's nodig, behalve wat Nosh Organics boordstof.
Now all we have to do is wait for summer!
The fabric I used in this post was given to me by Nosh Organics as part of a co-operation, all opinions are as always honest and my own.
In a couple of weeks our youngest will have his first real show and tell at school. The topic? Panda bears! We'll start working on the story and how to tell something to a group this weekend, but I got a head start by sewing his outfit. First appearances, right?
Over een paar weken moet onze jongste zijn eerste spreekbeurt doen op school. Hij koos de reuzenpanda als onderwerp. Dit weekend gaan we ons eens op het verhaal storten, maar ik naaide alvast een bijpassende outfit. De eerste indruk is al heel wat waard, toch?
Remember the awesome drawing little rascal made that became a Bobbinhood template? Yep, I used that print again on black Nosh Organics stretch sweatshirting. The perfect canvas for screenprinting!
Herinneren jullie je de tekening die kleine boef maakte en een Bobbinhood print werd? Die heb ik opnieuw gebruikt, ditmaal op zwarte sweaterstof van Nosh Organics. De perfecte ondergrond voor zeefdrukken.
The sweater is another Ziggy Top, a pattern by Madeit Patterns. I already made a couple of them this year.
De trui is weer een Ziggy Top, een patroon van Madeit patterns. Ik maakte al een flinke stapel dit jaar.
And did you know Nosh Organics has a couple of free sewing patterns on their website? I made the baggy trousers in the same black stretch sweatshirting to complete the look and turn it into a comfy track suit.
Wisten jullie dat Nosh Organics ook gratis patronen op de website heeft staan? Ik maakte de baggy trousers in dezelfde zwarte sweaterstof en gecombineerd zijn ze een heerlijk joggingpak.
Oh and a final note, project run and playFastSS - China ip server VPN 回国内SS 中国游戏加速器 ...:智能回中国内加速服务 海外用户利用中国内节点ss回国听音乐、网易云、优酷、腾讯、爱奇艺、电视剧、电影、直播、体育、AB站等 利用中国加速节点(中国IP),来解决速度慢,无法访问中国网站的问题; 也可以解决因版权原因无法访问视频、音乐等网站的问题。been ages since I last joined, but I always love the challenge of sewing in a theme. First week is all about the wonders of the world. It's a small step from the Great Wall to pandabears, right?
Volgende week start ook project run and play weer. Het is lang geledn dat ik voor het laatste meedeed in de link up, maar het blijft leuk om dingen te maken met de uitdaging van een thema. De eerste week gaat over de wereldwonderen. Het is een kleine stap van de Chinese muur naar pandaberen, toch?
The fabric I used in this post was given to me by Nosh Organics as part of a co-operation, all opinions are as always honest and my own.
My sewing goal for 2018 is making more handmade items for me. Items I would actually wear, not sew, hang in the closet and cut them up again to make something for the boys. Yep that happens most of the time! Luckily there's Celina's 国内如何免费上facebook to give me some guidelines.
One item a month, that's managable, right? And I'm on a roll, I made it through tee January and sweater February. Next up, bottom March, that will be a tough one. But first, let's take a look at my tee and sweater.
I used my go to pattern for tees, the free Plantain tee bij Deer and Doe, a nice shirt with a round neckline and options for short 3/4 and long sleeves. I decided on shorts sleeves and used up my last piece of fantasia blue jersey by Nosh Organics. The result is a nice basic tee I know I'll wear.

Next up my new sweater. I decided to give the Perri Pullover by Cali Faye Collection a second attempt. The first time I made it was ages ago and I used a fabric that was way to heavy for this pattern. You guessed it, I cut up that sweater again. For my second attempt I used Nosh's Silmu knit. What a differnce the right fabric makes for a sewing project! I really love my new sweater.

The fabric I used in this post was given to me by Nosh Organics as part of a co-operation, all opinions are as always honest and my own.
Hey all, at has been a while since my last entry here. Are you still out there reading blogs? I realise IG is increasingly becoming my favourite social media. Can you relate?
But I can't totally ignore my little corner of the blogosphere, because this is where the fun started, right? So let's give it a go and see where 2018 will take us.

My January started with a renewed love for my sewing machine and a renewed love for the Ziggy top by Madeit Patterns. It has been ages since I last made one, but this pattern really is the perfect blank canvas, you can let your creativity run wild and hack and add as much as you like. I ended up sewing three Ziggy tops. I added cuffs to all of them and did some sleeve colourblocking. The boys love these oversized boxy sweatshirts and so do I!
Okay, so, from left to right, first up a Ziggy for my youngest in Nosh Organics olive and navy sweatshirting and navy-vanilla striped 国内玩facebook加速软件. I added some colourblocking to the sleeves and that turned out pretty cool. I think I like this version best.
Number two is yet again made with Nosh fabrics in a plum-navy striped sweatshirting with navy ribbing. Have I ever told you Nosh ribbing is just the best? Great quality, good stretch recovery, it makes sewing with knits so easy! My youngest is all about purple and blue, so he really loves this sweater.
And my oldest got a Ziggy too, just plain and simple, yet oh so gorgeous in blue. I bought this sweatshirt material last year during Amsterdam Sew Social at the Albert Cuyp market (I forgot the storename, sorry) and finally used the last piece this month. The cuffs and neckband are yet again Nosh ribbing.
So there it is, kickstarting 2018 with a lot of sewing and even blogging. wow!
The fabric I used in this post on the first two sweaters was given to me by Nosh Organics as part of a co-operation, all opinions are as always honest and my own.