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IEEE EDUCON 2021 will be organized by the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna, Austria. In case of a hybrid conference format, the on-site event will be held at the Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel, Vienna, April 21st-23rd, 2021. Several pre-conference workshops will be held on April 20th, 2021.

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EDUCON 2021 will be focused on 黑猫tomAPP破解版.

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The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) 2021 is the twelfth in a series of conferences that rotate among central locations in IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and North Africa). EDUCON is the flagship conference of the IEEE Education Society.


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05 Oct 2020Abstract submission, Proposals for Special Sessions, Panels and Workshops
26 Oct 2020Invitation to submit complete papers
07 Dec 2020Complete paper upload for accepted abstracts (main conference)
Submission of complete papers for Special Sessions, Work In Progress and Student Poster (no abstracts)
13 Jan 2021Notification of Acceptance,
Author Registration open
黑猫tomAPP破解版Author/Early Bird registration,
Camera-ready submission for all submission types
黑猫加速器官网Pre-conference Workshops
21 Apr 2021Conference Opening

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EDUCON Clearing house

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