Berkeley’s Sociology Department is known around the world for its excellence in research and teaching. For the past six decades, Berkeley’s Sociology Department has consistently been among the world’s top sociology departments. While our graduate program is ranked #1 in the latest U.S. News and World Report, our undergrad degree is currently 国内如何免费上facebook according to College Factual and features on Grad reports’ Best college list 2020.
We are proud to contribute to the world’s leading public university, to international sociology, and to the life of the mind beyond the academy. Our faculty teach and do research in most sociological specialties.
Our PhDs are leaders in universities and research centers across the US and in many other countries. And our BAs populate the ranks of innumerable professions, bringing with them the skills and special perspective of Berkeley sociology.

Prof. Einstein served graduate students as a model of prudence in remaining unfashionably true to the grand…